English Pedagogy Notes PDF For CTET -Part 3

English Pedagogy Notes PDF For CTET: दोस्तों उम्मीद है हम आपको जो CTET ENGLISH PEDAGOGY के notes provide करा रहें हैं, वो आपको पसंद आ रागे होंगे। देखा जाये तो CTET ENGLISH PEDAGOGY व CTET HINDI PEDAGOGY में कोई विशेष अंतर नहीं है बस अंग्रेजी भाषा होने के कारण हम में से बहुतों को CTET ENGLISH PEDAGOGY समझने में PROBLEM आती है। इसीलिए हमने तय किया है कि आपको विशेष शब्दों की हिंदी meaning भी provide करा सकें जिससे आप लोगों के लिए CTET ENGLISH PEDAGOGY समझना आसान हो सके।


CTET English Pedagogy Notes PDF Part 3

आइये पढ़ते हैं CTET English Pedagogy Notes Pdf पार्ट 3 –

Maxims of Language Teaching( शिक्षण सूत्र)

English pedagogy notes pdf for ctet
English pedagogy notes pdf for ctet

The different maxims of teaching are as follows:

Known to unknown (ज्ञात से अज्ञात की ओर)

  • It is based on the fact that a learner knowns something.
  • It is considered that the old knowledge lays the foundation of new knowledge.
  • For example Pronoun can be taught only when the learner has a knowledge of noun.

Simple to Complex (सरल से कठिन की ओर)

  • A teacher should teach simple things first and then complex things.
  • When learners learn simple things first they feel encouraged and confident thus they can easily understand complex things.
  • For example , if learners are to be taught about multiplication then they should be first taught about addition.

Concrete to Abstract (मूर्त से अमूर्त की ओर)

  • Those things which can be felt with our five senses are known as concrete(real) things where as things which can be imagined are known as abstract things.
  • Things taught with the help of concrete objects last for longer period.
  • For example, a learner can imagine about red flower only if he has seen a flower.
English pedagogy notes pdf for ctet
English pedagogy notes pdf for ctet

Analysis to Synthesis ( विश्लेषण से संश्लेषण की ओर)

  • Analysis to Synthesis means a teacher should teach from detailed to summary.
  • For example, when a learner is taught the different parts of a sentence than he is able to understand the Synthesis of sentences.

Induction to Deduction ( आगमन से निगमन की ओर)

  • Teaching should proceed from induction to Deduction.
  • In induction few examples are given and then a conclusion is drawn.
  • In deduction, first of all a rule is made to known and then examples are given.

Near to Afar (समीप से दूर की ओर)

  • This helps in step by step learning.
  • Examples from his environment should be given first and then examples from other environment should be given.
  • For example, while teaching noun , examples from learners’ immediate environment , from class should be given, such as fan, desk, chair etc. and then other examples like bus ,car, tree should be given afterwards.

Whole to Part (पूर्ण से अंश की ओर)

  • The learner should be taught the whole lesson first and then its parts should be analyzed and studied.
  • For example, first a full sentence should be taught then its part – subject, predicate should be analyzed.

Psychological to Logical (मनोवैज्ञानिक से तर्कसंगत की ओर)

  • While teaching, the interest, aptitude, capacities and difficulty level of the learner should be kept in mind. Individual differences of the learners should also be kept in mind.
  • For example vocabulary and basic structure of a language should be taught first depending on the needs and requirements of the learners and then they should be arranged in a logical way.

Particular to general (विशिष्ट से सामान्य की ओर)

  • First, particular statements should be given and then a general rule should be formed.
  • It is based on inductive method.
  • For example, a few examples of past continuous tense should be given first and then it should be generalized that this tense is used to denote the actions that were going in the past.

Empirical to rational (अनुभव से युक्तियुक्त की ओर)

  • Empirical knowledge is based on observation and experience whereas rational knowledge implies to arguments and explanation.
  • First, empirical knowledge of the learner should be discussed and then rational views.
  • For example, it can be discussed that how the subject or object of direct speech changes into indirect speech.

Actual to Representative (स्थूल से सूक्ष्म की ओर)

  • For efficient teaching actual objects should be shown to the learners as far as possible.
  • This helps in concrete learning.
  • For example while teaching noun, concrete/ real objects can be shown such as fan , chair , apple etc. and later on they should be represented in the form of pictures or models.

Definite to Indefinite (निश्चित से अनिश्चित की ओर)

  • The learners should be first taught definite things, and then Indefinite things.
  • Fir example if definite rules of grammar are taught then the learners will have good knowledge.

“Maxims of language teaching” is a very important topic in CTET ENGLISH PEDAGOGY NOTES PDF. You must have the knowledge of “maxims of language teaching” because this topic is important for other sections also in CTET Exam.

Functions of the language

The functions of a language are as follows:

  • It acts as a means of communication.
  • It is symbolic and dynamic.
  • It is structured and unique system.
  • It is a form of social behavior.
  • It is a medium of instruction.
  • It is a carrier of civilization and culture.

दोस्तों ये था CTET ENGLISH PEDAGOGY PART-3 , उम्मीद है हमने आपको इन topics के बारे में सारी important information provide करा दी है। आपको हमारा CTET ENGLISH PEDAGOGY का ये पार्ट कैसा लगा हमें कमेंट करके जरूर बतायें और हमें follow कर लें जिससे आप CTET ENGLISH PEDAGOGY का कोई भी पार्ट miss न कर सकें।

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