CTET English Pedagogy Notes PDF Download: CTET English pedagogy की बेस्ट नोट्स आपको provide करने के लिए हम अलग से मेहनत कर रहे हैं.. और एक्सपर्ट की मदद से आपको बेहतरीन ctet study material provide करवा रहे हैं। आप इस ctet pedagogy नोट्स को पढ़ेंगे तो खुद आपको लगेगा कि English pedagogy for ctet कितनी easy है।
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CTET English Pedagogy Notes PDF Download | CTET English Pedagogy
दोस्तों Ctet english Pedagogy Notes PDF Download करने से पहले CTET English Syllabus भी जान लिया जाए।
आपको CTET English Pedagogy Notes PDF की एक और पोस्ट मिलेगी जिसमे CTET English Pedagogy Notes का अगला पार्ट with pdf है।
CTET English Pedagogy and Complete English SYLLABUS
(a) Language Comprehension 15 Question
Two unseen prose passages (discursive or literary or narrative or scientific) with the question of comprehension, grammar, and verbal ability
(b) Pedagogy of Language Development 15 Question
- Learning and acquisition.
- Principles of Language Teaching.
- Role of listening and speaking; the function of language and how children use it as a tool.
- Critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form.
- Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom
- language difficulties
- errors
- disorders.
- Language Skills.
- Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency
- speaking
- listening
- reading and writing.
- Teaching-learning materials
- Textbook
- multi-media materials
- multilingual resource of the classroom.
- Remedial Teaching.
ये तो रहा आपका CTET ENGLISH PEDAGOGY का SYLLABUS..अब हम topicwise , CTET English Pedagogy cover करेंगे। CTET English Pedagogy Notes PDF भी देंगे।
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LANGUAGE LEARNING AND ACQUISITION(भाषा अधिगम एवं भाषा अर्जन )
Language is a common and continuous process of human life, called the priceless gift given by God to humans. The beginning of the language becomes the same with the birth of human. Skill in the individual language, fulfilling various skills like speaking, listening, reading, writing, understanding.
In the beginning the child cries out for the hunger, and the mother understands that the child is hungry. Then, by being in touch with the family, the child is able to imitate the dialogue and thus becomes profound in the field of language. In this way, we can say that language is an object of imitation and a continuous process.
The concept of language learning is related to the traditional approach of the study of language. It is still practiced in many schools worldwide. The aim of language learning is to understand the structure of the language and rules of grammar .
In our schools, many subjects are taught. English is also taught as a second language, a particular practice is given to the students to learn English. The teacher takes help of the mother tongue to teach English. Translation of each and every word, phrase and sentence are done into the mother tongue. For language learning Elaborate explanations of grammatical rules are provided.
For learning a language attention is paid to reading and writing and no attention is paid to speaking and listening.
The Grammar-cum-translation method is used to teach the English language. Language learning is not communicative. It is the result of direct instructions of the rules of language. Research has shown, however, that a student who has memorized the rules of the language may be able to detect grammatical error or spelling errors in the sentence but may not be able to speak or communicate correctly in the English language.
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Language Acquisition:
Language acquisition is the process in which a child acquires the capacity to comprehend language. Language acquisition is the process in which a child learns his mother tongue. When language is learned without any practice and with the help of surroundings, it is known as language acquisition. Children acquire language through a subconscious process during which they are unaware of grammatical rules. It is the natural way of learning a language.
Difference between language learning and acquisition:
Learning | Acquisition |
It is artificial. | It is natural. |
It produces knowledge. | It produces ability. |
It is a conscious process. | It is a subconscious process. |
It has decided syllabus. | It has learner centered activities. |
Priority on the written language. | Priority on the spoken language. |
Translation is used. | No translation requires. |
The focus is given to the structure. | Focus is given to communication. |
भाषा का अधिगम (language learning):
भाषा के अधिगम से तात्पर्य है , अध्यापक द्वारा कक्षा में , मातृभाषा का प्रयोग करके किसी foreign language/ English lnguage को सिखाये जाने से है |
मान लीजिये आप एक हिंदी मीडियम स्कूल के छात्र हैं तो आपको English language सिखाने के लिए , आपको पहले ग्रामर की जानकारी करायी जाती है , बचपन से ही कई सारे English words की हिंदी meaning याद कराइ जाती है ,इन सब के माध्यम से जो आपने English Language सीखी है , भाषा का अधिगम है |
भाषा का अर्जन (Language Acquisition):
दूसरी ओर हमारी मातृभाषा है , जो हमारे द्वारा अर्जित की गयी है | जब एक बच्चे का जन्म होता है , तो उसके आस-पास के लोग जिस भाषा को बोलते हैं , बच्चा उस भाषा के शब्दों से चीजों को relate करने लगता है|
जैसे ही वो बोलना शुरू करता है वह उन्ही सुने हुए शब्दों को Practically use करने लगता है | धीरे धीरे उसके शब्द भंडार बढ़ने लगता है और वह अपनी मातृभाषा / अपने आस पड़ोस की भाषा अर्जित कर लेता है |
In short हिंदी भाषा हमारे द्वारा अर्जित की गयी है एवं English language को हमने सिखा है |
भाषा अधिगम एवं भाषा अर्जन में अंतर :
भाषा अधिगम | भाषा अर्जन |
यह कृत्रिम प्रक्रिया है | यह स्वाभाविक प्रक्रिया है |
इसमें भाषा के विषय में ज्ञान मिलता है | | इसमें भाषा में व्यक्ति प्रवीण हो जाता है | |
इसके लिए चेतन अवस्था में होना आवश्यक है | भाषा का अर्जन अर्ध चेतन अवस्था में भी किया जा सकता है | |
निर्धारित पाठ्यक्रम होता है | | सीखने वाले के अनुसार गतिविधियाँ आयोजित की जाती हैं | |
लिखित भाषा पर अधिक ध्यान दिया जाता है | | मौखिक भाषा पर अधिक ध्यान दिया जाता है | |
ट्रांसलेशन का प्रयोग होता है | | ट्रांसलेशन का प्रयोग नही होता | |
भाषा की संरचना पर अधिक ध्यान दिया जाता है | | सम्प्रेषण पर अधिक ध्यान दिया जाता है | |
Principles of language Teaching
In the Pedagogy of English the topic “principles of language teaching” is most important. Every year we see 1-2 questions are asked from the topic “Principles of language teaching” . This topic is important for not only the English section but also the CDP section as well.
While teaching a language, a teacher should follow the following principles:
- Principle of motivation
- The principle of habit formation
- Principle of Imitation
- The principle of the Oral Approach
- The principle of practice and drill
- A principle of a natural order of learning
- A principle of situational Approach
- The principle of using Mother’s tongue
- The principle of Individual Difference & adoption of multiple approaches
- The principle of selection and gradation
- Principle of Readiness
- The principle of Correlation with life
- The principle of Accuracy and Correctness
- The principle of Group work
दोस्तो, इन सारे Principles के बारे में details CTET English Pedagogy Notes Part-2 में provide करा दी गयी है ,आप उस पोस्ट को पढ़ लें।
आपको Ctet English Pedagogy notes pdf provide करायी जा रही हैं । आप सभी को daily Article की notification मिलती रहे इसके लिए आप hindimerijaan.com को follow कर लें ।
लोग क्या पढ़ रहे हैं-
- फ्री डाउनलोड CTET स्टडी मटेरियल | सिलेबस |नोट्स| ऑल सब्जेक्ट पीडीएफ नोट्स
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- Download TET Environment PDF notes
Its very helpful and explanation so good.
good one…keep it up
Thank you Neeraj ji…
It’s very helpful site for CTET…
Thank You..!!!