2nd Part Of Best CTET English Pedagogy Notes PDF

दोस्तों,CTET English Pedagogy पार्ट-1 के बाद हम CTET English Pedagogy Notes PDF Part-2 लेकर आयें हैं| इस पार्ट में “Principles Of Language Teaching” के बारे में English के साथ साथ हिंदी में भी detail में बताया गया है , जिससे आप लोगों को CTET English Pedagogy के Concept clear हो सकें|

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Best English Pedagogy Notes PDF – Part 2

तो आइए शुरू करते हैं ctet english pedagogy…और लास्ट में लेते हैं CTET English Pedagogy Notes PDF…

Principles Of Language Teaching

ctet english pedagogy notes pdf
ctet english pedagogy notes pdf

While teaching a language, a teacher should follow the following principles:

  • Principle of motivation
  • Principle of habit formation
  • Principle of Imitation
  • Principle of Oral Approach
  • Principle of practice and drill
  • Principle of natural order of learning
  • Principle of situational Approach
  • Principle of using Mother tongue
  • Principle of Individual Difference & adoption of multiple approach
  • Principle of selection and gradation
  • Principle of Readiness
  • Principle of Correlation with life
  • Principle of Accuracy and Correctness
  • Principle of Group work

This is one of the most important topic of CTET ENGLISH PEDAGOGY.Every aspirant must know about these principles, if he wants to score good marks in CTET ENGLISH PEDAGOGY.

CTET English Pedagogy Notes PDF
CTET English Pedagogy Notes PDF

1-Principles Of Motivation ( प्रेरणा का सिद्धांत )

Principle of Motivation plays an important role in the development of a language. It is a pre-requisite to learning a language.

Different techniques should be adopted to motivate the learners-

  • Arousing Technique: Use visual devices or audio visual devices or game like exercise.
  • Expectancy Technique: Goals of teaching-learning process should be made clear to the learners. This will create expectancy among them to achieve the goal.
  • Incentive Technique: Praise, prize, commendation or punishment should be adopted to motivate learners.

2-Principle Of Habit Formation (आदत निर्माण का सिद्धांत)

  • According to Palmer, “Language learning is essentially habit forming process, a process during which we acquire new habits.”
  • As we master other skills after regular practice, thus language can also be mastered after regular practice.
  • In language learning habits of speech, listening, reading, writing, correct spelling & pronunciation and reading other books should be formed.

3-Principles Of Imitation (अनुकरण का सिद्धांत)-

  • A child learns quicker by imitation.
  • He or she learns his/her mother tongue by imitation from his/her parents, relatives and teachers.
  • Tape-recorder, radio and gramophone can be used for this purpose.

4-Principle Of Oral Approach (मौखिक पद्धति का सिद्धांत)

  • Speech motivates the learners to learn.
  • Introduction of lessons should begin with speech lessons because speech is vital in language learning.
  • Speech must precede reading and writing.

5-Principle of Practice and Drill (अभ्यास और प्रशिक्षण का सिद्धांत)

  • As mentioned above language is a habit forming process and habit comes from practices.
  • Sufficient practice & drill should be provided to the learners.
  • Repetitions of things at proper intervals should be done.

6-Principle of Natural Order of learning (सीखने के स्वाभाविक क्रम का सिद्धांत)

Listening,speaking, reading and writing are four basic skills of a language. These skills shouls be taught in their natural orderi.e., LSRW, because a child first listen to the sounds of a language, then speaks and then starts reading & writing.

7-Principle of Situational Approach (परिस्थितिजन्य पद्धति का सिद्धांत)

  • A child learns a language very well when it is taught in a meaningful situation.
  • A situation can be created with the help of object, pictures, gestures & actions.

8-Principle of using Mother-Tongue (मातृभाषा के प्रयोग का सिद्धांत)

According to P.Gurrey the teaching of mother-tongue and teaching of a foreign language can support and assist each other. Learners become reluctant & unmotivated when mother-tongue is not used in the class. This problem can be solved by adopting different methods and strategies which make learning a more challenging.

9-Principles of Individual Difference & adoption of Multiple Approach( वैक्तिक विभिन्नता एवं कई पद्धितियों को ग्रहण करने का सिद्धांत)

  • It is an established fact that no two individuals are alike in their attitudes and aptitudes.
  • Teacher should adopt different techniques, strategies and multiple approach to make learning meaningful.
  • We have to keep in mind that what is taught is not what is learnt because learners possess different abilities, personalities and belong to different backgrounds.

10-Principle of Selection and Gradation (चयन और श्रेणीकरण का सिद्धांत)

  • Simple and concrete objects should be taught first and then complex and abstract things i.e., one should proceed from simple to complex and concrete to abstract.
  • A small amount of material should be introduced first and then its quantity should be increased. For example: First two letter words, then three letters words and then four letters word should be taught.

11-Principle of Readiness (तत्परता का सिद्धांत):

Learning is meaningful only when learners are ready to learn it. Learners should be made ready by the following methods:

  • Telling a story
  • Conducting an interesting activity
  • Using visual or audio-visual devices
  • Performing game like exercise

12-Principle of Correlation with Life (जीवन के साथ सहसंबंध के सिद्धांत)

  • To make learning more meaningful, as far as possible, the subject matter should be correlated with life.
  • It should be correlated with the customs, traditions etc. of the society to which learners belong.

13-Principle of Accuracy and Correctness (सटीकता और शुद्धता का सिद्धांत):

  • Correct and accurate words should be used to explain the content.
  • Accuracy of pronunciation, intonation, spelling and structure should be followed.
  • Expression should also be correct and accurate.

14-Principle of Group Work (समूह कार्य का सिद्धांत):

  • Humans learn more when they work in group.
  • Group activity helps in transfer of information.
  • Group work/activity provides the learners opportunity to use the language in a focused manner.

These are some important “Principles of Language Teaching” which are asked in CTET English Pedagogy section.

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